3-D COGO and Error Propagation Based on the GSDM

Global COGO, Inc. P.O.Box 3162 Las Cruces, NM 88003
 Earl F. Burkholder, PS, PE, F.ASCE
 Email: eburk@globalcogo.com 
 URL:   www.globalcogo.com 
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BURKORDtm Software (page under construction)

This page provides access to software that can be used for performing spatial data computations.

   1.  Spreadsheet programs:

   2.  Standalone packages:

   3.  Apps for mobile devices


The GSDM uses rules of solid geometry, geodetic coordinates, rectangular ECEF coordiantes, coordinate 
differences, and local e/n/u coordinates for performing computations with spatial/geospatial data.

This web page first posted October 31, 2021, and last updated 11/24/2023.

                     Copyright © 1997-2024 by  Global COGO, Inc.
                     BURKORD® is a trademark of Global COGO, Inc.